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Some of my favorite reads...

Authors are readers, too. If you've read all of my current books and are looking for something else to read, here is a collection of some of my more favorite reads. I hope you enjoy these books and discover new authors. Remember that authors love readers, and we especially love readers who leave reviews of our books--even if they're reviews which say 'not my cup of tea'--because it helps us to understand our audience better for future works. And also lets us know we're appreciated. Authors are actually pretty sensitive sometimes and need that extra reassurance. Happy reading, everyone!

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The Unseelie Throne, Maze of Shadows Book Three by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

I don't even remember who recommended this series to me, but I adore it. It shows the dark, twisty side of the fae in all their glorious, wickedness while also showing that even the evil guys have hearts that can break. Oh, my. It has suspense to it as I'm dying to know what happens to Valroy and to see what our new Unseelie Queen will do to get him back. Queen Titiana just might have a fight on her hands. I'm anxiously waiting. I find myself in a season where the dark, gritty reality of love and life are intriguing and this book satisfies that completely while also achieving other markers such as slow-burn romance, magic, strange new world and creatures, devious characters and loveable ones, heartache, and enemies who just might not be enemies at all. I found her books on Amazon. They're available on Kindle Unlimited, too.


Rise of the Death Fae series by Val Saintcrowe

This series by Val Saintcrowe is a little dark and does have some potential triggering events. Val Saintcrowe bills it as reminiscent of Ancient Roman battles, but I'd go as far as to peg it more along the lines of Ancient Sparta's culture/society. At any rate, this series drew me in from the beginning. It is tragic and appalling at times, but it is also so raw and touches on darker realities no one likes to acknowledge--about humanity and individuals. I truly loved it. I've only been able to read the first two books in the series, as book three won't come out until January of 2022. I'm anxiously waiting to see what Onivia manages, because I have a feeling she's going to grow a backbone and become even more amazing.

You can find Val's books on Amazon and these are available on Kindle Unlimited.

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Demonbane: The Dark Talons Book One by Marie Robinson

Oooo. I found this on a recommendation from someone in the FB reader group, Romantic Fantasy Shelf. Demonbane The Dark Talons Book One by Marie Robinson is super good. Bane is a warrior of warriors, and I am pretty sure he's my newest book boyfriend. If you like kick a$$ warriors with some steamy scenes and treasure maps, magic, and treachery, you will like this book as much as I did.


You can check Marie out on Instagram #authormarierobinson and find her books on Amazon. As I'm partial to Kindle Unlimited, you won't be disappointed because the book is free to read for those of you who have KU.


Forgotten Scars: Scars of Days Forgotten Book 1 by Natalie J. Reddy

I ran into this author on Instagram, #nataliejreddy , and I wanted to give her book a go. I liked it. There is an air of mystery to it as Wren tries to understand the new people in her life--the ones who kidnapped her but also saved her when she needed it. If you get into the supernatural, modern-day people living amongst the average societal person, you won't be disappointed by this story. You can follow Natalie on Instagram and find her books on Amazon.


Kiss Me, If you Dare by Alyssa Clarke

Wow. I genre hop at times when I feel overrun by my genre of choice, romantic fantasy, so I grabbed a copy of Alyssa Clarke's Kiss Me, If You Dare. It is part of her series, Wagers and Wallflowers, available on Kindle Unlimited. I am a sucker for romances that grow between two people out of other types of relationships. In this instance, Percy Devereaux is the guardian of his best friend's little sister. His friend, Matthew, has been dead for two years now, and he's been watching over Frederica all this time. And somehow, he missed she was a woman, not a little girl. Yet, his honor insists he find her a respectable husband and see that she is happily settled. Frederica, on the other hand, has no misgivings--her heart belongs to the devilish marquess who has been her faithful guardian. Spurred on by a dare from her friends, she is determined to kiss Percy and show him that they should be together. But, what happens when she manages that kiss, and what happens when Matthew turns out to be alive...and he comes to find his sister? Well, if you're curious, you'll have to grab your own copy.


This is a series, and I ended up reading all of them through book 5 since books 6 thru 10 are not released yet. From there, I moved on to Alyssa's other series, Those Very Bad Fairbanks, and thoroughly enjoyed them as well. They're all short, quick reads you can find through Kindle Unlimited on Amazon. 

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Love Me, If you Dare by Alyssa Clarke

This is the first in the series I mentioned above (you can probably tell by the titles and similar book covers). I have to say, however, that this is my absolute favorite of all the books. Theo is spunky, direct, and determined. I love her so much when she knocks the duke on his backside and turns him from a rigidly determined man who believes in the roles society enforces upon women to a much more lively person who dares to look at the different from a woman's perspective. When Theo says she likes the idea of him chasing her and turns around to run, I died laughing. Book Two, "Marry Me, If You Dare," is equally hilarious. Perdie fends off highwaymen all on her own and Thaddeus tries to gallantly save her only to be shot at and have her hold a knife to his throat. He immediately proposes, but she's just broken off an engagement and wants nothing to do with his advances. I laughed out loud several times.

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Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score

I was in the mood for a standalone book and this caught my eye. There is supposed to be a second book coming out, but this one was great on its own. So many different feelings and situations were addressed in this book. Naomi is the 'perfect' sister and her twin, Tina, is the rebellious hellion who gets into trouble. Naomi leaves her man at the altar and hurries to Virginia where her sister says she needs help. Thinking she's there to help her sister, Naomi's life implodes in the worst day imaginable while Knox, a hard-headed, closed-off bachelor finds himself watching it happen one horrid moment after the other. Not even his cold heart was left unfeeling when he saw all Naomi went through. This book was so much about facing one's problems and picking oneself up after being knocked down, learning to trust in the goodness of others, finding love in the least likely places, and building a family from the broken pieces.


The Secret Witch of Kriegspiel by S.L. Prater

This was such a fun read. Thank you, S.L. Prater, for sending me an ARC. I devoured this book in one night. The book follows the main characters Hannah and David. At first, it seems Hannah was forced into a loveless marriage against her will and that David took her by physical force over his shoulder into his home (caveman style). What I really loved was that this story revealed the characters a little at a time through current actions/situations but was complimented by letters they wrote to each other during the months leading up to their marriage. And, little by little, their true feelings were discovered even though they'd never openly admitted them. I felt as though I understood their reasons for what was happening in the story when I read their letters, and sometimes it made me feel sorry for one over the other until I was just convinced they loved each other despite everything they said to the contrary. It was such a slow, sweet build up to their passion I could barely stand the wait. As I continued the journey with Hannah and David, I was pleasantly surprised to discover the "Secret witch" was not who I expected...I thought it MUST be Hannah, but there is a little more to it.
Highly recommend this book to anyone who likes witches, magic, fighting against the odds, steamy romance scenes, and a sexy but scholarly book boyfriend.

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Little Fire by Hollee Mands

Oh so good. I have the next two books on my TBR list, however, they are a series of semi-standalone books so reading the entire series isn't necessary, I suppose. However, I loved Declan and Evangeline so much. They're not so much enemies to lovers as they are just completely unlikely to ever have met and come from such a huge social gap that it seems unlikely they'll ever make it as a couple. Yet, once the two are thrust unexpectedly into a deadly situation, Declan learns a lot about the people he's entrusted to care through the eyes of a woman he wouldn't have acknowledged were it not for a fateful meeting. Meanwhile Evangeline (aka Little Fire) begins to unlock the forgotten memories of her childhood...memories which could be deadly to them both.

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Scarred by Emily McIntire

I was confused about this book before I read it. The author's write-up says it is not a retelling and that it is not a fantasy, but there are so many book reviews that cite it as a "great retelling of The Lion King" and others calling it a fantasy romance. So...I had to read it to decide for myself. After discussing it with another reader, I will agree that it is not a fantasy but a dark romance. However, in my opinion, it is a dark, twisty, and unusual retelling of The Lion King--I really liked the concept of how it was done, too. The scarred prince is someone I couldn't decide if I was appalled or impressed by. There were uncomfortable scenes with him, but I could understand some of the things he did even if they made me cringe as I read. If you can get into a darker read, you might like this. If it creeps you out, though, I already warned you...its a dark romance.

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The Lochlann Feuds series by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison

I binged this series in two days. Yes, I was that girl who waited until all four books were out before I started reading them. Well, the first three, at least, and then I had to wait a week for the fourth. However...Oh my. I loved everything about it to the point that it's almost hard to talk about. Have you ever done that? Read a book that you love so much, but you can't bare to talk about it? Maybe its because then I have to share it and I don't really want to, or because if I talk about it, it is like acknowledging that the adventure is over when I don't want it to be. Let me just say this. Enemies to lovers with a few twists I didn't expect, and I had some serious feels in this one. No, it isn't steamy (which I am perfectly okay with) and it isn't some dark, twisty fantasy. It is snarky and fun and addictive, and I recommend it to anyone who knows how to read. Love, love, love. This author dynamic duo are some of my favorite authors you may have read about in my blog posts. So. Bottom line. Read this series then thank me after for telling you to do so.


Heart's Rescue by Meredith Hart

So, I first discovered Meredith Hart two years ago with her book The Flame and The Blade which turned out to be one of my all-time favorite romantic fantasy series. I've been a serious fan throughout that series and nearly cried when it came to an end this year, but did a literal happy dance when she published a little snippet of the main characters' wedding. Anyway...I recently joined an ARC group on Facebook and saw Meredith asking for an ARC reader for her new book, so, of course, I jumped on that...and loved it! Man, I am wondering if she writes anything I don't like. This, however, is in a divided world with one side living in the light while the other is barely surviving in the dark. Monsters lurk in the void between the two, and somehow the daring young Arryn who was raised to be prim and proper and to do as she was told, when she was told, how she was told, and with whom, managed to edge her way from the light into the dark...where she discovers she is much more than the societal and familial expectations she's been raised to be. Fun, intriguing, a little sexy, and not at all disappointing.


The Princess and the Spy trilogy by Lisette Marshall

Wow. Wow. Wow. Did I say wow? Okay. I've had the first book of this series, "Velvet," on my TBR list for a while. I kept going back and forth, not really sure if I'd like it. Well, I have no idea why I waited. No idea at all. It had so much good stuff in it:  enemies to lovers, spies, lovers torn apart by duty, murder mysteries, a few good creepy characters you wanted to kill but knew there would be political backlash, and more. Viviette is so much more than a silly princess, but not everyone knows it. Jaghar is so much more than a cold-hearted spymaster...something Viviette slowly discovers. With that discovery, however, a forbidden romance is formed until LOVE is on the table. But, love cannot happen between a princess and her father's spymaster when her father's determined to wed her to a good man in a distant kingdom. Vowing to do their duty, both Vivi and Jaghar swear they're done with one another, but circumstances are cruel and thrust them together when they need each other most. And just when it seems like they're heading toward that happy ending, tragedies, one after another strike, and the world seems to conspire to keep them apart. Oh, how they both evolved in this story. I binge read the entire trilogy in ONE day!


Through Dark Storms by Clare Sager

This is one of my all-time favorite series. "Through Darks Storms" is the final installment of the adventure of Vee and Knigh on the high seas. I have to be honest with everyone and tell you that I put it off. And not why you think. I love this series; I said it's one of my faves. I screamed and yelled and squealed as Clare revealed the cover and gave snippets of info about the book. In fact, I scared my poor mutt who began barking thinking something was wrong because I screamed so loud. Then, when it was actually here, I downloaded the book, and I opened to the first page and...nothing. I couldn't read it. Because when I started reading it, it'd be almost over, and I wouldn't have any more adventures with Vee and Knigh to look forward to. So I closed it. And stared at the cover in my Kindle library for days and days, itching to read it but also refusing to admit this was it. So...if you like pirates, high seas adventures, sea creatures, a bit of fae magic, romance that will make you swoon, scream, and shout for joy...check out this entire series. I won't give you my full take on this book since its the fourth and final in the series, but I more than highly recommend it. Clare is a natural story weaver and this series blew my mind. And even if you don't love pirates, you would probably still enjoy this because it is so well-written, you'll find yourself immersed in the world Clare has created and all the vibrant characters. I'm sad its over, but these characters will live on in my mind for eternity.

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When We Were Kings by Auryn Hadley

I have a minor in History, and I have always been obsessed with Ancient Rome and Greek history. This book was so fun--gladiators. She is a princess who was never supposed to be in the games. No one ever expected she'd live. He was the lion of the ring, only a few fights away from his freedom. No one expected them to become a team. Yet, they did. He saved her life and she saved more ways than one. This was such a beautiful story with romance that was so natural, you could feel it between the characters as they grew together, fought side by side, and existed in a world where they had no control of anything but their will to live. I am halfway through the second book of the series, and I am getting anxious about how it winds up. However, the entire read has been well worth the emotional roller coaster. Love this book!


Serpent's Touch by Marina Simcoe

I like mythology and this touches on gorgonian people. A whole race of people who can turn outsiders into stone. Which makes falling in love with a gorgonian noble somewhat problematic, but that is what happens for our MC. She falls in love with Kyllen and helps him escape the menagerie just as much as he helps her escape a world where she's never quite fit in. Now, she is in a watery world where everyone could kill her with a simple look. I can't wait to find out what happens in book two.

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27 Ways to Find a Boyfriend by Shari L. Tapscott

Shari also writes fantasy and is the author of one of my most beloved fantasy series, Silver and Orchids. I decided to give her contemporary romance book a try, and I absolutely loved it. Sweet, funny, and entertaining, I couldn't get enough. I read the rest of her contemporary romance books after this one, I was so addicted. However, I have to say that this was, by far, my absolute favorite of them all.

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More of Us to the West by Trinity Dunn

Wow! My heart! My soul! Equal this book! So doggone good! I mean, really, really good. I love time travel, survival, stories with ships, and romance. This book has all of that plus some. If you like to have your heart wrenched, squeezed, and shattered then put back together as you are reading, this book is for you. I could barely put it down. I am anxious to begin the second book in the series, but I have such a hangover from this one, I need a little break from reading. I have to say that towards the end, the whole group got really annoying about a certain topic and panicking over it, but it definitely fit with the story line. I also dislike when lovers are put together then pulled apart at the end of the book and not really put back together, and I really thought that was where this was going. I was only partly right, so I am hooked. The book claws are in, and I am stuck. Our survivors of a mysterious plane crash have found safety on a deserted island. But should it be deserted? As they explore their new home, they discover they're not the only ones who found themselves stranded here...and they haven't been the only ones to question where there were, how they got there, and WHEN. As they try to unravel the mystery of their predecessors and their own, life takes them down a path they never expected, and I suspect it'll take much more than a boat to help them get back home.

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Once Upon a Forbidden Desire by Variety of Authors

If you like fantasy and romance, this collection of fairy tales is for you. There are twenty different stories by different authors, some of whom are amongst my faves. Kathryn Ann Kingsley, Vela Roth, S.L. Prater, and Lisette Marshall each have fantastic stories in this collection. Seriously, there is something for everyone in this collection, and I enjoyed the different 'takes' on classic tales as well as the fact that they were all short, easy reads for the times when I didn't have a lot of time. The concept of all the different stories in one book is a good one, too. I hope that you will all love it as much as I did. Highly recommend.

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The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone

Drae and Arwen are adorable. The concept of this story is pretty good even if I was annoyed at times that the king was trying to pretty much find a womb for an heir--I get it, the heir was needed in order to keep the people and their magic alive. But, Arwen was just as annoyed, let me tell you, and she definitely was not trying to catch the king's attention in any way. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and am looking forward to the rest of the books Leia Stone has planned for this series.

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Kingdom of Runes by Audrey Grey

So...this is not a recent read, but I realized I should list it on my page. Why? Because it is literally one of my favorite series of all times. At this moment (12 October 2022), it is an incomplete series, but the read is absolutely, one hundred percent worth the read and the wait.

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Reading takes me to magcial places...

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